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New Colostrum Article added to the Discovery Centre
Please read our new article on management of colostrum management on dairy farms for ...
New Barrier Teat Dip available- Gladiator from Boumatic
Gladiator Chlorine Dioxide Teat Dip for Post Milking from Boumatic.
Help prevent bacteria from en...
Study shows heat-treated colostrum performs better
A study recently published in the Journal of Dairy Science showed that heat-treating colostrum suppo...
Johne's Disease Latest Facts
A herd with a 30% positive result compared to a herd with a 6% result on average can make a di...
Are we feeding live Johnes disease / MAP in calf milk replacer?
Are we feeding live Johnes / Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in calf milk replacer?