Latest News

Simplifying Calf Scours-  RehydroGEL Liquid Electrolyte

Simplifying Calf Scours- RehydroGEL Liquid Electrolyte

"RehydroGEL" is our new liquid calf electrolyte that joins our popular sachet product "Life Gua...
Pumping oral fluids into cows has never been simpler!

Pumping oral fluids into cows has never been simpler!

We have mad our "First Thirst - Fresh Cow Drink" for a good few years now. This is specifically for ...
Cows Showing Standing Heat during Pregnancy

Cows Showing Standing Heat during Pregnancy

These researchers looked at cows that were standing in oestrus during pregnancy and compared various...
Refractometer is valid for Ewe Colostrum measurement

Refractometer is valid for Ewe Colostrum measurement

1)   Usinf Refractometer on Ewe, Doe & Cow Colostrum is valid- folow link https:/...
A new, better test for Johnes Disease in Dairy Cows

A new, better test for Johnes Disease in Dairy Cows

A new, better test for Johnes Disease in Dairy Cows has been developed by Queens University, Belfast...
Calf Health Brochure 2020

Calf Health Brochure 2020

Take a look at our new calf health brochure  that discusses rearing healthy calves that turn in...
Take a look at our new Dairy Hygiene Brochure

Take a look at our new Dairy Hygiene Brochure

Earlier this year we got all the information together on our range of dairy hygiene materials. We...
Bovine Pelvis Measurement to improve calving ease

Bovine Pelvis Measurement to improve calving ease

Bovine Pelvis Measurement is becoming more common in the UK to help make progress in cattle bre...
Update on various products from G Shepherd Animal Health

Update on various products from G Shepherd Animal Health

Portable Milking Machine- "Mini Milker" As well as being available in electric or "dual petrol an...
Cow Brushes now available in galvanised finish

Cow Brushes now available in galvanised finish

Our popular electric, pendulum cow brush is available in galvanised metalwork.  Soory the ph...
Antimicrobial use and resistance:  UK sheep industry perspective

Antimicrobial use and resistance: UK sheep industry perspective

Antimicrobial use and resistance: A UK sheep industry perspective- have a look in "Sheep farmer, ...
The Latest on Sheep Lameness from The University of Warwick

The Latest on Sheep Lameness from The University of Warwick

For those of you with a need for deeper knowledge, take a look at The University of Warwicks website...
Showing 49 to 60 of 138 (12 Pages)