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Reducing Sheep Lameness in the UK
It was found that lameness in sheep in England halved between 2...
You will no doubt agree that the future productivity and profitability of any livestock farm is deep...
From 1 January 2016 formaldehyde will be classified as a Category 1B carcinogen. This means certain ...
A short article on Twisted Calfbed / Uterine Torsion has been added to the Disco...
EBLEX Fallen Stock Post Mortem Project highlights Johnes in suckler cows and sheep.
Recent result...
Test results are in comparing various rumen magnets used in cattle for preventing "wire" or hardware...
The objective of this randomised clinical trial was to describe the effect on colostrum characterist...
Calves weaned per cow bulled is a key determinant of suckler beef business profitabil...
Arthritis & Joint-ill in lambs
The most common cause in the UK is a bug called Streptoco...
Action Johnes Initiative
The “Action Johnes Initiative” will help to manage & reduce the ...
Cobalt is an essential mineral required by lambs to optimise health and growth. Most UK pastures ten...
Click here for Best Practices for Proper Colostrum Management information bookle...
Showing 85 to 96 of 138 (12 Pages)