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Simplifying Calf Scours-  RehydroGEL Liquid Electrolyte

Simplifying Calf Scours- RehydroGEL Liquid Electrolyte

"RehydroGEL" is our new liquid calf electrolyte that joins our popular sachet product "Life Gua...
Curbing the risk of crypto in calves

Curbing the risk of crypto in calves

Written by Katie Fallon, Agriconnect. A disease affecting both the UK’s dairy and beef industry...
Feeding transition milk improves health in neonatal calves

Feeding transition milk improves health in neonatal calves

Transition milk improves health in neonatal calves  Feeding calves transition milk instead o...
Calf Health Brochure 2020

Calf Health Brochure 2020

Take a look at our new calf health brochure  that discusses rearing healthy calves that turn in...
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