EBLEX Project highlights Johnes in cows and sheep
EBLEX Fallen Stock Post Mortem Project highlights Johnes in suckler cows and sheep.
Recent results from the EBLEX prject, where fallen stock were "post-mortemed" at a northern england fallen stock collection centre.
Farmers chose to have their stock PM'd results were fed back to the framer and their Vet.
The results are very intersting-
- useful to the farmer and Vet
- diagnoses were usually made
- often action was taken on the farm as a result
- "new" conditions were found and are being investigated
- full results from EBLEX
Johnes was very common both in adult sheep and cattle. in adult sheep, Johnes was the second highest diagnosis made, Shortly behind OPA/Jaagsiekte
Johnes Disease (also known as MAP) was the commonest diagnosis in adult cattle. It was thought in the report that it could be brought into the herd by replacements bred in dairy herd. However , in my opinion this should not be a reason to blame or to bury ones head in the sand, as Johnes is common in beef herd already.