Bovaer Band Wagon

I've been waiting to pass comment to see where this all went. More of a PR issue than a real one IMHO.

Ruminant farming has had a battering as an easy target for greenhouse gas production, to divert attention from bigger contributors such as transport, travel, construction, warfare, and the general wasteful consumption of a rapidly growing population. Yes, cows do contribute but they are quite far down the list and existed long before industrialisation.

Bovaer arrived as the answer to reduce the production of rumen produced methane by a good chunk.

I was a judge for the Innovation Award at The Cream Awards 2024. Bovaer was the hands down winner. A great entry and so much research, testing and detail. Approved by FDA in USA  and also the EU food safety watchdog.

However , the anti-dairy machine could not have it that 'dairy' was even less of a perceived environmental threat.

Hats off to them for creating a massive PR storm with grainy gifs all over social media and getting the concerns onto mainstream media.

There were so many content creators jumping on the bandwagon to fan the flames, not knowing much about the ingredients, most of which are in human processed foods and skin products as anti-caking agents and emulsifiers and emollients.

It should be noted that the approvals any feed additive needs is really hard to get in UK, EU and USA.

Some of the social media posts are plain daft. e.g. I saw one yesterday that had a gif of a cow 'saying in a speech bubble' that its stomach was sore!!  I know of no written or verbal evidence of any impact on cow wellbeing. 

It's a classic manipulation of social media in my opinion.

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