A Practical Approach to Minerals & Vitamins in Beef Cattle
The “life or death” mineral for suckler cows is Magnesium. You are probably already taking care of this. If you need some buckets, we suggest Zintec 20% Mag Cattle Bucket or suckler bucket, we also do bespoke minerals.
Trace elements used for growth, milk & breeding can be boosted with Bovi-Power cattle drench. We have recently packed more in to our drench by using liquid seaweed extract in the liquid base of the drench. We don’t like to sell or ship water. Bovi-power can be given to cows pre-breeding & pre-calving.
A more long term approach is blousing Cosecure, Coseicure, or Tracesure IorTracesure CU-I. Defiantly use CU-I if out wintering on brassicas.
Drench calves every 2 months until weaning depending on creep feeding levels & any specific deficiencies on your farm.