Tackling Thermoduric bacteria in your milk
Thermoduric bacteria, basically are heat stable and survive pasteurisation.
So, they affect shelf life of bottled milk and also the quality of dried milk products including infant formula.
Processors have started applying penalties of 1 ppl.
Tackling Thermodurics comes down to using appropriate teat disinfectant products correctly both before and after milking.
SweetTEATS Blue & Gold are good pre & post teat disinfectants, that also give great skin condition.
The range of chlorine dioxide based products in the attached article are also good and "Gladiator Barrier" (a GREAT teat-dip) also lasts 24 hours. I dont think you will find a better barrier dip. We also have the ame chemistry in spray and foaming varieties, plus the equipment to make it easy to use.