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Curbing the risk of crypto in calves
Written by Katie Fallon, Agriconnect.
A disease affecting both the UK’s dairy and beef industry...
Making things Better & Easier
We are always trying to make things BETTER VALUE, PROBLEM SOLVING, BETTER DESIGNED, LESS W...
Pasteurising Colostrum Slashes Antibiotic Use
“Established 1780,” says Gerald ...
Refractometer is valid for Ewe Colostrum measurement
1) Usinf Refractometer on Ewe, Doe & Cow Colostrum is valid- folow link https:/...
Calf Health Brochure 2020
Take a look at our new calf health brochure that discusses rearing healthy calves that turn in...
Excess Iodine can be a problem too!
A recent Vet Record article described how multiple supplements to a flock of ewes produced excess io...
New Colostrum Article added to the Discovery Centre
Please read our new article on management of colostrum management on dairy farms for ...
Heat-treated colostrum outperforms non-heat-treated in calves
The objective of this randomised clinical trial was to describe the effect on colostrum characterist...
Colostrum Management in the Beef Suckler Cow
Calves weaned per cow bulled is a key determinant of suckler beef business profitabil...
Best Practices for Proper Colostrum Management
Click here for Best Practices for Proper Colostrum Management information bookle...
Study shows heat-treated colostrum performs better
A study recently published in the Journal of Dairy Science showed that heat-treating colostrum suppo...
Win the colostrum race to secure herd’s future
Getting quality colostrum from a dam and into a calf as quickly as possible after calving has a majo...