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Pasteurising Colostrum Slashes Antibiotic Use
“Established 1780,” says Gerald ...
A new, better test for Johnes Disease in Dairy Cows
A new, better test for Johnes Disease in Dairy Cows has been developed by Queens University, Belfast...
Calf Health Brochure 2020
Take a look at our new calf health brochure that discusses rearing healthy calves that turn in...
Penn State research involving Duecinox Calf Milk Pasteuriser
Prof. Jud. Heinrichs conducted research at Penn State on calves fed once or twice a day on pasteuris...
Improving the diagnosis of Johne's disease
Moredun magazine , Autumn / Winter 2016 details their latest research into improving the tests ...
EBLEX Project highlights Johnes in cows and sheep
EBLEX Fallen Stock Post Mortem Project highlights Johnes in suckler cows and sheep.
Recent result...
Heat-treated colostrum outperforms non-heat-treated in calves
The objective of this randomised clinical trial was to describe the effect on colostrum characterist...
Action Johnes Initiative
Action Johnes Initiative
The “Action Johnes Initiative” will help to manage & reduce the ...
Are we feeding live Johnes disease / MAP in calf milk replacer?
Are we feeding live Johnes / Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in calf milk replacer?
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 (1 Pages)